The Columbian Exchange Group
Herb | Eucalyptus
Herb | Eucalyptus
.5 - .7 Oz. Dried Organic Dried Herb
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Healing, Protection
Magical Uses, and History: Eucalyptus is believed to be one of the most useful trees in the world and has been used for a variety of magical and medicinal purposes through the centuries. The Aborigines regard the eucalyptus as a cure-all, using it for shelter as well as medicine.
The leaves can be stuffed into healing poppets and carried or placed under your pillow to maintain good health and ward off evil. To relieve colds, ring green candles with the leaves and pods and burn them until they burn out while visualizing the person being completely healthy.
Eucalyptus can be used in a number of spells including: Protection Magic Healing Spells