The Columbian Exchange Group
Herb | Lemon Balm
Herb | Lemon Balm
.5 - .7 oz. dried herb
Whether you have a cold sore, anxiety, stress, insomnia, digestive problems, mental issues, or any other conditions, it is best to keep this herb in the medicine cabinet for healing purposes. Learn to make essential oils, chapsticks, lotions, and steam blends using this herb to take advantage of all of its healing power.
Planet; Moon.
Gender; Feminine.
Element; Water.
Lemon Balm, otherwise known simply as Balm or Melissa, is a prime ingredient in Love magic. As a tea or infused in wine, it can be given to the object of your affections to hasten consummation. The herb is also much used in magical healing, in sachets and charm bags and as an incense ingredient. In former times it was attached to swords to staunch bleeding. Lemon Balm can also be used in spells for luck and success; wear about the body and you are sure to succeed!
Lemon balm tea is good for relaxation and sleep. I experienced it to be true last night. The herbs are fresh and delivered on time.
Amazing as usual.